vrijdag 9 september 2011

Hebben wij de Verenigde Naties wel nodig? (III)

Charles Blattberg vindt van niet:
“With the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the idea of human rights came into its own on the world stage. More than anything, the Declaration was a response to the Holocaust, to both its perpetrators and the failure of the rest of the world adequately to come to the aid of its victims. Since that year, however, we have seen many more cases of mass murder. Think of China, Bali, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and now Darfur. Of course, one could always claim that such horrors would have been even more frequent if not for the Declaration. But I want to argue otherwise. For I believe that human rights have contributed to making mass murder more, rather than less, likely.” (Lees verder)
De kerngedachte is zeker belangrijk en interessant, maar er is veel meer over deze kwestie te zeggen. Wordt vervolgd!

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