zaterdag 27 augustus 2011

Onze Meesters in Brussel

Onze meesters in Brussel zijn weer lekker bezig:
“De Europese Unie gaat de financiële bijdrage voor de Palestijnse gebieden verhogen met 115 miljoen euro. In totaal is de Europese bijdrage voor de Palestijnen nu bijna 500 miljoen euro [...] De EU gaf al 185 miljoen euro aan de Palestijnse gebieden. Daarnaast geeft Europa 145 miljoen euro directe financiële hulp aan de Palestijnse autoriteit en 40 miljoen aan het fonds van de Verenigde Naties dat Palestijnse vluchtelingen helpt. Met de 115 miljoen euro geeft de EU jaarlijks in totaal 485 miljoen euro aan de Palestijnen”.
En dat is waar de miljoenen o.a. (direct of indirect) naartoe gaan (een korte impressie van de afgelopen dagen):
Cease-fire between Israel and Gaza militants, meant to go into effect at 1:00 P.M. Friday afternoon, is broken as militants fire Grad rocket and Qassam into south Israel”.
De arme bevolking in Gaza voelt zich gebruikt door de radicaal-islamitische Hamas-regering. Leden van de terreurgroep, ambtenaren en prominente supporters hebben sinds het aantreden van het Hamas-bestuur in 2007 aanzienlijke rijkdom verworven, terwijl er voor de onderklasse niets verandert”.
The Palestinian Authority is telling its people that peace with Israel is not a goal. Instead, the PA says that all of Israel is "Palestine," and that no compromise is acceptable because this principle is "the only red line." This message was expressed by the regular cartoonist, Muhammad Sabaaneh, in the official PA daily”.
Three people were arrested for breaking the Ramadan fast in Nablus on Saturday. Palestine Press Agency reports that the three were caught "red-handed" as they were eating, drinking and smoking cigarettes behind a vegetable market downtown, after a concerned citizen reported them to police. The director of the police warned against anyone violating the sanctity of Ramadan and warning that they would go to prison. The report did not mention whether the detainees were Muslim or Christian”.

President Abbas was elected in January 2005 and his term ended in January 2009, though it was extended for one year in a way that might arguably have been legal. The parliament was elected in February 2006 and its term should have ended in January 2010. But of course no elections were held in January 2010, and neither parliamentary nor presidential elections are now scheduled."

"The Palestinian Authority has indefinitely postponed local elections which had been expected to take place in October in the West Bank, a minister told AFP on Monday. "President (Mahmud) Abbas issued a decree postponing the local elections indefinitely to pave the way for internal Palestinian reconciliation," local government minister Khaled al-Qawasmi told AFP. Local elections had originally been scheduled for July 9 but following a surprise reconciliation deal between Abbas' Fatah and the rival Hamas movement which was signed in early May, the date was put back to October 22. As the deal struggled to get off the ground, Palestinian officials told AFP in July that local elections would be limited to the West Bank as Hamas was hampering preparations for the vote in Gaza.”

The Western-funded Palestinian Authority has decided to ban a Palestinian satirical show on the grounds that it offended some Palestinians and ridiculed others. If the Palestinian Authority cannot tolerate any form of criticism from its loyalists, how can anyone expect it to respect the views of political opponents and rivals? Many Palestinians see the ban as part of the Palestinian Authority's continued assault on freedom of expression. They say that the move shows that the Palestinian leadership is not only lacking a sense of humor, but is continuing to emerge as another Arab dictatorship at a time when Arab masses are demanding regime change. Palestinian journalists, political activists and human rights workers have all been targeted at one point or another by Palestinian policemen, all trained and funded by Americans and Europeans.”
 Wat bezielt onze meesters in Brussel? Waarom betalen ze zo graag mee aan het onderdrukken en misbruiken van de Palestijnen en het terroriseren van Israëlische burgers?

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