De wereld van de theedrinkers...
"Minister Frans Timmermans van Buitenlandse Zaken steunt de toenadering die de Amerikaanse president Barack Obama zoekt tot Iran. Dat zei de bewindsman dinsdag na de toespraak van Obama tot de Algemene Vergadering van de VN. Obama liet weten de komende 3 jaar in het Witte Huis te willen gebruiken om de slechte relatie met Iran te herstellen. Timmermans wil die benadering 'ondersteunen'. Hij noemde het verhaal van Obama over Iran 'eerlijk en inspirerend'. 'Mijn pleidooi richting beide partijen is altijd geweest: ga met elkaar praten', aldus Timmermans." (lees hier)En de harde werkelijkheid:
"Iran's new president expressed his country's support to Syria's embattled leader Bashar Assad's regime Sunday, saying no force in the world will be able to shake their decades-old alliance. Hasan Rouhani's comments came as Syrian troops and rebels fought some of the fiercest battles in the mountains of the coastal province of Latakia, an Assad stronghold. (lees hier)
"[...] the Agency is unable to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities [...] Given the nature and extent of credible information available to the Agency about possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme, it remains essential and urgent for Iran to engage with it on the substance of the Agency’s concerns. Unless Iran addresses the Agency’s requirement to conduct effective verification, it will not be possible for the Agency to resolve outstanding issues, including those relating to possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme." (lees hier)
"Two working assumptions widely held in the West are confirmed by Rohani’s speech. First, the speech reinforces the more cynical view held by some in the West that Iran’s main objective in negotiating with the EU3 was simply to gain time. By describing how Iran continued, while it was negotiating, to develop its nuclear program and solve the technical problems it was facing—and by reassuring his audience that Iran had thereby improved its strategic position—Rohani confirmed the assessment that Iran had used the calm atmosphere of negotiations as a smokescreen behind which it continued to deliberately advance its nuclear program." (lees hier)
"Rouhani is no different than his predecessors. Since his election, more than 170 individuals have been executed in Iran, many in public. The Guardian newspaper reported that about 800 political prisoners are in Iran's jails. Earlier this month, many of his Cabinet ministers joined the commanders of the IRGC and the Quds Force to praise the Iraqi government for the Sept. 1 massacre of 52 Iranian dissidents, members of Iranian opposition People's Mujahedin of Iran." (lees hier)
"Ahmadinejad's revolting persona and style made it that much easier for his successor to succeed at playing the "good cop" in any negotiations. And it is actually Iran's hardline supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on Iranian policy, so the Rouhani theatrics are ultimately meaningless anyway. While the country's dictator recently said that Iran can show "heroic flexibility," he's not actually beholden to anyone, so he can easily change his mind after buying another 6-12 months of nuclear enrichment time by "negotiating" with the West through Rouhani." (lees hier)Het zal wel allemaal. Het enige onomstotelijke bewijs dat Rouhani echt niet deugt is de afzichtelijke gretigheid waarmee rechtschapen westerse politici zich snellen om met hem en zijn entourage thee te gaan drinken