vrijdag 25 oktober 2013

Zwarte Pieten Bestaan Echt!

De wereld waarin we leven:
"An astonishing document, the Global Slavery Index 2013, has been published this month. It disposes of the generally accepted view that slavery was abolished throughout the world in the 19th century. The survey in the Index ranks 162 countries and holds that almost 30 million people are physically living as slaves [...].
The United Nations organizations, especially the UN Human Rights Council, as well as the World Council of Churches and many in the media and non-governmental organizations, along with well-meaning academics, would do well to take heed of the actual existing facts in any further resolutions and declarations they issue about boycotts or sanctions.
The largest numbers of slaves are in India (14.7 million slaves), China (3 million), and Pakistan (2.1 million). [...] In the Middle East the estimate is that about 2.5 percent of the total 30 million in the survey exist in some form of modern slavery." (lees hier)
De politiek correcte goegemeente, onder de bezielende leiding van de verachtelijke VN-mensenrechtenraad, maakt zich druk om de mogelijke indirecte negatieve symbolische waarde van een ietwat infantiele folkloristische uiting van een nogal onbeduidende groep west-Europese, Nederlands sprekende moerasbewoners.

Maar zwarte Pieten bestaan echt.

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